Oh intractable wound!
اه يا جرحي المكابر وطني ليس حقيبة وانا ليت مسافر
"Oh intractable wound! my home is not a suitcase, and I am not a traveller," a powerful, well-known line from Mahmoud Darwish's poem 'Diary of a Palestinian Wound.'
this mural by Palestinian-American artist Chris Gazaleh is part of a series our I Witness Silwan team created at the residence of the Rajibi family in Ayin a-Loza in Silwan, whom have already faced a demolition of their property and are waiting to hear the outcome for the rest of their home, which is unfortunately likely to also receive a demolition order. this is a story that happens far too often to families in occupied Palestine - it is the unjust ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the land to make way for Israeli space - this has always been the goal of the institution of the state, which continues to propagate a Eurocentric, settler colonial agenda that from the beginning has sought to use others it oppresses to oppress the oppressed, and to separate people to enforce the suppression of any unified resistance against an entity made by and for the elites and that seeks to uphold Western hierarchies - sound familiar? the United States was founded on settler colonialism.
we must say no to apartheid and ethnic cleansing, and say yes to liberating Palestine. we are not free until we are all free.